Challenging Beliefs and Behaviors – Mark 7:1-23
Escondido First Church Nazarene - Challenging Beliefs and Behaviors, 05/21/2023
Rest and Renewal, Mark 6:30-56
Escondido First Church Nazarene - Rest and Renewal Mark 6:30-56 Led by Paster Becky Pape, 05/14/23
Rising Above Mark 6:1-29
Rising Above Mark 6:1-29, 5-7-23, Led By Pastor Becky Pape
“Faith and Healing”, Mark 5:21-43
Escondido First Church Nazarene - "Faith and Healing", Mark 5:21-43 04/23/2023 Led By Pastor Becky Pape
Set Free, Mark 5:1-20

Easter Service
Luke 24:44-49, 1 Corinthians 15:3-9 Escondido First Church Nazarene - Easter Sermon Led By Pastor Pape 04/09/23
Palm Sunday

Mark 4:21-41 “More Parables & A Miracle”
Escondido First Church Nazarene - Mark 4:21-41 "More Parables & A Miracle" Led By Pastor Becky Pape 03/26/2023
Mark 4:1-20 – The Sower, the Seed, and the Soil
The Sower, the Seed, and the Soil, 3/19/2023